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Act Now in Support of Letter to Minister Requesting Accessible Education Standard
Jun 15, 2017
Do you believe that all Manitobans should have access to equitable educational opportunities?
We certainly do. So does The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, The Human Rights Code and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Yet Manitoba students continue to face a myriad of barriers in our province's educational systems.
That’s why we recommended this past February that the government commit to develop an accessible education standard under the landmark Accessibility for Manitobans Act [see the enclosed excerpt from our brief (Word / PDF)].
We were delighted when educational stakeholders, spanning from child care to post secondary systems, met together last week and came to the same conclusion - that a letter be sent by the end of June (just two weeks away) to the Honourable Minister Scott Fielding requesting the government's commitment to the development of this standard.
We should also probably mention that both Ontario and Nova Scotia, the only two other provinces that have passed accessibility-rights acts to date, have already committed to establish accessible education standards under their legislation. Manitoban students, their families and the citizens of our province deserve no less.
Barrier-Free Manitoba is pleased to have taken a lead role in preparing the letter (Word / PDF) requesting government's commitment to develop this critically important standard. The plan is for the letter to be delivered to Minister Fielding on June 30 (the last day of school in many divisions), along with the names of the organizations and individuals who support the letter (an updated list will subsequently be provided to the Minister to include those individuals and organizations requiring more time to formalize their support).
We have developed a fast and easy way for organizations and individuals to express their support.
- Add your and/or your organization’s name in support of the letter by taking the few minutes needed to complete the collection form posted at:
- Share the letter and this request for support with your member and constituents, your family and friends, and anyone else you know who wants to ensure that our educational systems are fully accessible.
Please act today!