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Global Words of Encouragement to Manitobans (No.26)

Oct 28, 2013

The legislation being developed in Manitoba needs to be strong and effective. This can be accomplished by having the legislation address each of the seven elements set out by Barrier-Free Manitoba. Based on the Ontario experience, the legislation needs to include the goal of becoming a fully accessible province, as well as a target date by when this will be achieved. Our end-date has served as an important tool in our efforts since the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act was passed in 2005.

David Lepofsky, Toronto, Ontario, AODA Alliance

Message originally sent in May 2012. The seven elements referred to were tabled by BFM in our May 24, 2012 brief: Stronger Measures Essential for Effective Legislation.

We are especially pleased that David will be making a presentation to the Social and Economic Standing Commmittee meeting on October 29th.

David Lepofsky

A full compilation of the global messages is also available (Word / PDF)

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