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AMA included in current government Throne Speech for the first time

Nov 20, 2018

Cover to the Throne Speech

There was another encouraging sign today from government today - the AMA made it into the Throne Speech:

“The four-year review of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act is also nearing completion. Guided by the goals of that review, my government will continue to remove barriers to Manitobans with disabilities.”

Much less clear than one might have hoped but better this mention than none - as had been the case in the government’s first three Throne Speeches.

Other disability and social policy issues/measures included in the Throne Speech include [we added the subject headings]:

Therapy Services for Children

Research demonstrates that preschool children who receive needed therapy services on a timely basis experience fewer challenges in school, reduced isolation from peers, improved academic outcomes and higher degrees of self-esteem and confidence. My government is providing increased support to therapy services for those children in order to address their needs and give them a better quality of life in school, employment and the community.

Mental Health and Addictions

My government understands the human cost of mental health and addictions. It has responded to the initial recommendations in the Virgo Report by improving access and co-ordination of services for Manitobans with addiction and mental health illnesses. The five new Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine clinics will provide services and connections for patients to community treatment programs and primary care physicians.

A comprehensive implementation plan is being developed to address the Virgo Report's key recommendations and guide improvements to mental health and addictions services across government. As part of this work, a clinical specialty team will ensure a strong focus on acute mental health and addictions clinical services within the provincial Clinical and Preventive Services Plan.

Aging in Place

Staying in their homes or community is the preference of most seniors. As part of a broader strategy to enhance supports for seniors in their community, programming across government will help older adults remain independent by creating supportive, enabling environments.


Extensive consultations with Manitobans on a renewed framework for public housing pointed to the need for a flexible approach that delivers cost-effective housing programs that can better meet local housing needs. Tenants in public housing advocated for access to skills training to help them access jobs and economic independence. Vulnerable Manitobans identified gaps in housing options and transitional supports for groups with unique housing needs including youth, especially those leaving CFS care, persons with disabilities, persons navigating the mental health system, those leaving institutions, vulnerable women and low-income seniors. Following the completion of discussions with our federal partners, a renewed framework will enable the provision of sustainable housing for those most in need.


As part of my government's strategy to reduce poverty, more employable Manitobans will transition from welfare into the workforce. In the past, assessments of employable Manitobans on assistance were informal, nonstandardized, inconsistent and often delayed. A new approach will feature more timely and holistic assessments, based on more accurate data as to individual need, and more rapid connections to supports to rejoin the workforce sooner.


My government is increasing access to affordable, licensed early learning and child care spaces for Manitoba families. Investments in new schools, including new child care spaces, represent the largest commitment to new spaces in decades. . .

During the past 15 years, Manitoba's K to 12 students have fallen behind students in other provinces in core areas such as literacy, math and science. Those outcomes measure our young people's preparedness to compete and succeed in the workforce after Grade 12, or in a post-secondary university or college.

The commission on K to 12 education will be the first in-depth review of our child education system in decades. It will provide a path forward to make the changes necessary to ensure student outcomes improve and young Manitobans are better prepared to become the leaders of tomorrow. The commission will engage with parents, education professionals, international experts, students, stakeholder groups and any Manitoban willing to share his or her ideas for improving K to 12 education in our province.

Click here to read the full Throne Speech.

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