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Giant Step Backward for Manitoba's University College of the North

Jun 26, 2013

The University College of North (UCN) has decided to close it's Student Accessibility office and lay off it's Accessibility Coordinator effective July 2, 2013 (Word / PDF)

This is a shocking development given that UCN's mission is to provide inclusive, equitable learning opportunities. It also seems to stand in stark contrast to the Government of Manitoba's commitment to accessibility and the goals of it's recently introduced Accessibility for Manitobans Act (Bill 26).

Given that Aboriginal disability rates are 2 to 3 times higher than for Manitobans in general, one would think that central accessbility supports would be even more essential at UCN than at Manitoba's other post-secondary institutions.

Shocking, indeed!

Ironically, the UCN only posted its accessibility page a couple of months ago [see below how it reads today (June 26, 2013]. We can only guess that this page will be taken down or substantially changed in the next short while.


UCN's logo

Dear Student,

As the accessibility coordinator of the University College of the North (UCN), I am pleased to welcome you to our institution and to our website to provide you with some information detailing our services.

The Student Accessibility Service Office (SASO) is based in Thompson, MB, P.4 Room 220, with services also provided on The Pas campus.

SASO strives to provide accessible learning opportunities, and reasonable accommodations, for all UCN registered students, with permanent and/or temporary, documented disabilities, of all types; mental, physical, neurological or medical conditions.

Some accommodations available for students with special needs may include but are not limited to:

• Assessment for accommodation needs, advocacy and disability counselling
• Alternate formatting for textbooks, tests, assignments and exams
• Separate space for test or exams
• Proper assistive devices and equipment
• Extended time for tests; assignments or Exams
• Reasonable environmental accommodations
• Referrals and requests for Tutoring, Invigilation, Proctor and Note Takers as needed

We invite you to connect with the accessibility office to learn first-hand of the variety of support options available; as each student’s needs are unique, the provision of services is designed individually; needs are determined by the nature of the disability, requirements of the curriculum or program of study, expectations in the classroom and the timeliness of the request. The Office will provide the services supported by your documentation within two weeks of your request.

UCN believes that students have the right and also the responsibility to determine whether or not to access support services. Support services do not provide students with any advantage over their peers; rather they help to eliminate competitive disadvantages. Please be advised that you are required to contact the accessibility coordinator at the beginning of each semester, make an appointment to update your Individual Accommodation Plan and needs.

At UCN, you will find an institution that believes in equal educational opportunity for all qualified students. Faculty, administrators and staff work closely with students to provide a continuum of support services from the time of admission until graduation. If you haven’t applied through student enrolment and you desire to apply now for accommodations please, call or email the accessibility office.

Thank you for choosing The University College of the North; we wish you success in your academic endeavours.

With Warmest Regards,

Ekhlas A. Ahmed
Accessibility Coordinator
Ph. 204-677-8083
F. 204-677-6698
University College of the North
504 Princeton Drive, P5-203, Thompson, MB
Email: or


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